Electricity is one of the most important science discoveries of all time. It has improved our way of life and has become a huge part of our everyday life. Electricity is used to charge our phones, to light our rooms, to power our appliances and so much more. Both commercial and residential property use a range of electrical appliances.
Businesses undoubtedly use more electrical appliances than our homes. Thus, they are required to be checked regularly to ensure the safety of their assets, employees, and customers. Businesses use a wide range of electrical equipment, from power tools, computers, extension leads, power boards to office kettle and microwave. All of these require a regular maintenance check.
Electrical test and tag is the term used in the industry for electrical appliances checking in the workplace. Testing and tagging is conducted in accordance with the Australian Standards AS 3760.
During the testing, the electrical equipment, commonly termed as an asset, is visually inspected for visible damages. The insulation resistance is tested to ensure that all live parts are properly insulated. The asset is then powered up and checked for ground leakage. The polarity is also tested to make sure that the leads are connected in the right way. An electrical asset has an earth resistance test and earth bond test to ensure if it has fault; the equipment will handle the fault accordingly.
After the assets are tested, it is tagged with a label that indicates when the item was tested, what was tested, who tested it, the status of the test and the next servicing date.
All of these details are recorded into an asset register. If the asset is found faulty, a record of action taken is also recorded.
Do you know why your electrical equipment is tested and tagged? One, because the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 requires all equipment at workplaces to be safe and ensure that workers are not exposed to electrical related hazards.Two, the Electrical Safety Act 2002 requires employers to inspect and test specified electrical equipment and safety switches in the workplace.
You are maintaining the safety of your employees and customers by providing them with equipment that is safe to use. By regularly testing and tagging, you also meet compliance requirements.
Now that you know why you need to have your electrical appliances tested, who do you think can perform these inspections? There are many people who are legally deemed to be competent to carry out the test and tag. However, only qualified electrical contractors are allowed to repair your faulty equipment.
FCF Fire & Electrical offers testing and tagging at your workplace. We schedule a time and test every electrical asset for you. We record the details of the test. Once you are in our system, we will program the date for your next inspection. This way, you will not miss out on your routine test and tag. Contact us today for more information. You can also ask us for a free quote. We are your one-stop shop for electrical and fire protection services.